Music:  Music nowadays is necessary in our daily life. Most of people consume all kinds of music in their daily life.

Kimberly Chen

Evan Burriola

Yixin Chen

Video Games: Games as the new developping media are quite popular between us. The preferences are between gaming consule and PC games. 

Khanh Dao

Kylee Friederichs

Connor Fergus

Social media: Social media connect us in a new way. Most of people can not live without social media nowadays. 

Benson Hsu

Blain Judkins

Shreyas Shivakumar Kasetty

The issue I forget to talk about.

I almost play all the games on my PC and yesterday I tried XBOX at my friend's home. I just realized that XBOX, PS5 and switch are so interesting. I hope I can buy one in the future. 

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